About this site 
Piers and Lin du Pré bought their new Fleming 55 / 129, Play d'eau, in 2003. She was berthed in Beaucette Marina, Guernsey in the Channel Islands at N49° 30’.197 W002° 30’.350 until she was sold in October 2021. This site charts the thrilling adventures they had in her. You can contact us here.
Where’s Play d’eau? If the new owners have the AIS on, you can find where Play d'eau is right now. Click here. Zoom in and our position will be shown on a map.
John and Beryl’s fortnight of cruising on Play d’eau had come to an end.
Amidst tears, damp handkerchiefs and endless wavings, the taxi drove slowly down the road, over the roundabout and on to La Rochelle’s airport.
We stood a while, looking, and hoping beyond hope that the taxi would turn around and come back. …
Continue reading Leg 14 (2015) – St Martin de Ré to Les Sables d’Olonne
As the staging for a ‘Grand Groupe Pop Orchestre’ was being assembled, a large multi-coloured van was prowling around with its public address system booming to one and all that a ‘Pop Concert Énorme’ would be held in the marina ‘Ce Soir’.
It was our cue to depart. …
Continue reading Leg 12 (2015) – St Denis d’Oléron to La Rochelle
With a following wind, blue skies and an almost too hot sun, we cast off for the short 1½ hour trip to St Denis.
At a gentlemanly time of morning, we nosed our way between the many pontoons of the 5,000 berth Les Minimes marina and entered the fairway to meet the day’s challenge. …
Continue reading Leg 11 (2015) – La Rochelle to St Denis d’Oléron
We’d be unable to anchor out. The wind was forecast to rise significantly in the afternoon and stay strong overnight.
Our plan had been to leave peaceful Rochefort at HW when the lock gate opened and anchor overnight at the southern end of Île d’Aix before making passage the next day to the St Denis marina on the island of d’Oléron. …
Continue reading Leg 10 (2105) – Rochefort to La Rochelle
Our dear friends, John and Beryl, have joined us after a nine year absence from cruising.
Flying into La Rochelle two days ago, we’ve already been having a ball; dinner at Safron (first there, last to leave), exploring the ancient town and climbing the recently restored tower that guards the entrance to the vieux port. …
Continue reading Leg 9 (2105) – La Rochelle to Rochefort
A UNESCO World Heritage site, St Martin is Île de Ré’s historic capital and ancient port surrounded by the citadel. Small, old, buzzing with life, and we cherish our time there.
Ian and Wendy’s Moody 422 yacht, Silver Slipper, was moored directly behind us …
Continue reading Leg 14 – St Martin de Ré to Les Sables d’Olonne – 11 August 2013
On our way was to Rochefort we travelled 12 miles up the beautiful river Charente, where the colour of the water became more and more brown-green. By the time we arrived the colour was so dense that nothing could be seen if it was much more than an inch below the surface. …
Continue reading Mud, mud, glorious mud
Port St Denis d’Oléron was crowded. The only visitors’ pontoon was tightly packed and Play d’eau was on the inside of a raft of four. The Capitainerie staff were brilliant. Under their direction boats were shuffled to give us an outside position against an old beautiful (but actually brand new) 60’ twin masted …
Continue reading Leg 13 – St Denis to St Martin de Ré – 8 August 2013
I needed a haircut. Lin said, rather too eagerly, ‘I’ll do it.’ This would be a first in the 47 years since we started going out together. I said, ‘no.’ She said, ‘think of the savings.’ I said, ‘no.’ She said, ‘I did all our boy’s haircuts until they were 11.’ I said, ‘no’. Lin said, ‘trust me, I know what I’m doing.’ I said, ‘no,’ my voice beginning to show my annoyance …
Continue reading What did we do in Rochefort?
Can you guess what this is? …
Continue reading Can you guess what this is?