Stale cooking smells
Lin and I had spent ages trying to track down stale cooking smells. The galley was spotlessly clean, the woodwork was clean and the curtains had been cleaned as well. So where were those horrid old cooking smells coming from?
The clue came when we realised they were worse when the wind was blowing from the port side of Play d’eau. Knowing this, it didn’t take long to find the culprit. The smells came from air being blown into the boat through the cooker extractor grill, past the fan and along the tube that ends just above the cooker.
Over time, the tube had had time to gather greasy fat deposits that had become stale and nasty. With the tube cleaned (a nasty job at the best of times) the problem was how to stop the air being blown in.
Captain Nick
Nick often stops by for a morning coffee. In talking about our vexing question, Nick had a brilliant idea and brought it to fruition by fashioning a hinged flap.The cooker extractor tube still requires reasonably frequent cleaning, but the stale cooking smells have completely vanished.
Keeping thieves out
We’d forgotten the boat keys and the drive back home was miles away. It was late and the Harbour Office was closed, the aft cockpit hatches were locked closed and all the doors were locked.
Looking at the saloon windows, I espied the small metal flap that’s used to stop a window from sliding open unintentionally. I gave the window a sharp slap by the flap and it flew backwards allowing the window to slide open!
Brilliant – but wait a moment, if I could do that, so could a thief. And that would leave no signs of forced entry, a requirement for any subsequent insurance claim.In kicking ideas around, Lin sowed a seed and our local Guernsey M&G Marine Engineers finalised the solution by constructing a thumb screw based on the footprint of the flap. The screw assemblies were laser cut and machine polished. Perfection.
Ideas that work
As the saying goes, ‘It’s good when a plan comes together.’
Piers and Lin
from the think tank of
Play d’eau
Fleming 55
Having arrived at my boat, only to find that the keys were at home, I now have q boat key on the same keyring as my car key. I can’t even get into my car without the boat key now.
That’s an idea that works. Simples!
Best wishes