Apart from one major problem involving the compatibility of the Simrad AP70 autopilot and the Furuno electronics (which will be the subject of a separate posting once it’s been resolved), most niggles were small and trivial in comparison. For example, the default settings for which video camera should be displayed on which screen when cruising; a link from the TV to the saloon’s main sound system; the installation of a Wi-Fi unit to connect to our shore telephone line which carried ADSL as well; establishing why the Navtex had stopped receiving messages, and so on.
So, last Friday, Martin, Play d’eau’s ‘resident’ electronics installer, arrived on one of Guernsey’s Blue Island ‘planes. ‘It was a tiny aircraft and there were only six passengers,’ said Martin. ‘It took 25 minutes, and I loved every one of them!’
Driving straight to Play d’eau Martin began attacking the list. Good progress was made until we needed some RG59U video cable. The only hope was the Guernsey marine electronics company RES but it had closed for the day. However, we sent an email from their website and within moments we had a telephone call. ‘Yes, we have some in stock,’ said Robin. ‘Come by the shop in the morning – we open at 0830.’
By the time Martin had to catch his return flight the next day, all niggles had been resolved apart from the Navtex which needed a new aerial.
Did Martin like his time in Guernsey? ‘It’s an awesome and beautiful place,’ was Martin’s comment. Says it all, doesn’t it?
from the Nav Table of
Play d’eau
Fleming 55
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