‘Like another lobster, Piers?’ asked John as he extracted his latest catch from the lobster pot he keeps in the marina near to Play d’eau. Did I hesitate?
John, who lives on his sailing boat, White Magic, keeps his pot tethered to the pontoon and although only 6′ from the granite side of this former quarry, it’s a sheer 85′ straight down to the bottom.
So this is our second lobster from John in two days. What a life!
Can you think of a caption for the photo?
from the Galley of
Play d’eau
New Chief of R&D takes over at Apple.
Apple Launches New Detachable I-Phone Antennae to increase range
Yes Dear, just picking up some butter, will be home soon.
The phone contract comes with two huge clawses
“No don’t worry, they want me to invite all my friends, … ya they have a hot tub, … No, they’re vegetarians… well how else would you explain there is no meat for the dinner.”
A berth holder at Beaucette has suggested, ‘In competition to Sony’s newly launched waterproof mobile, iPhone begins deep sea trials…’
It’s rather like the angler’s tale … I swear the fish was this big (as shown by the lobster’s claws).
Sorry, I’m clutching at straws here!
“Sorry honey, won’t be home tonight, I’m feeding a different family”…