Finding our Sea Legs
The sea was calm as the sun woke from its night’s dreams to peek over Herm, creating an orange brushstroke between the grey sky and sea, as we motored out of St Peter Port. Such a contrast from the previous evening’s strong E’ly F5 blowing swell and white caps into the harbour the previous evening.The eleven and a half hour sector from St Martin’s Point to Lizen van Ouest WCM (five miles due north of L’Aber Wrac’h but ten sea miles around the rocky coast) remained surprisingly calm with almost no Atlantic swell and only the occasional V-formation of gannets.
Taken by surprise
In the middle of the vast, peaceful open ocean, our solitary bubble was suddenly pierced. ‘Play d’eau, Play d’eau, Play d’eau, this is Still Calm, Ch16, over.’ I was being hailed by a 60’ East Bay (I think it was) which was closing on us at 21kts en route to Benodet.
Its Jersey owner had apparently bought a pair of Kahlenberg horns from Toby and had heard about Play d’eau.Small world, aye?
The calm seas extended right through to L’Aber Wrac’h where we were able to cut corners close to the rocks and motor gently up river to the marina, finding a perfect spot to park just inside the wavebreak at 7.30pm French Summer Time.
Our first taste of France, 2013
Needing exercise, we jumped ship and walked to the Café du Port and had our first taste of France – a cold Pression. After thirteen hours of sailing (motoring!) it was just gorgeous.
It took great will power not to have another; we had to have supper and plan for our early morning departure for Camaret.
But whilst sitting at the bar, we found ourselves gently rocking.We’d found our sea legs!
Tecky details
0519hrs BST – Departed St Peter Port
1812hrs BST – Arrived L’Aber Wrac’h
Planned distance – 105.4nm
Longest single leg – 92.7nm
Tech problems – nil
Piers and Lin
from the Pilot House of
Play d’eau
Fleming 55
PS – Message for Dave and Gary – Restaurant Le Vioban is exactly where you said it would be. The menu looks luscious, so we’ll eat there on our return trip in a month or three…
You can get in touch with us any time by using our Contact Form.
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