We’ve had great fun taking over 2,000 photographs and writing 94 posts, and from the number of hits each post receives it’s so worthwhile.
The top three posts have been,
- Man overboard (411 views)
- The boat’s insured but… (378 views)
- Treguier Marina (263 views)
So what’s new on the site?
Instead of you having to check to see if we’ve added a post, the site can let you know, automatically.
Just add your email address to ‘Subscribe by email’ (left column between ‘Where’s Play d’eau’ and ‘Categories’) and the site will automatically let you know when a post is added.
Searching and Categories
Apart from the Search facility, have you seen there are different categories (left column) for posts depending on what you’d like to see?
Currently, these are,
- Cooking onboard (our proven recipes that can be created onboard)
- Cruising (passages we have made)
- Living aboard Play d’eau (day to day ‘happenings’ on Play d’eau)
- Marina Specifics (significant news about marinas we’ve visited)
- Servicing/Technical/Nav (knowledge and tips learned from years of boating)
What next over the winter?

Capt Lin in command
returning Play d’eau to Beaucette from St Helier
on the final leg of our 2013 summer cruise
click to enlarge
But whilst these two categories slumber for the winter, the others will come to life and receive enhanced coverage.
So feel free to subscribe – and we look forward to your comments in the coming months before we set sail again for …. wherever the seas call us.
Finally, we hasten to add that your email addresses are not shared with anyone, ever. Total privacy.
Piers and Lin
from the Saloon of
Play d’eau
Fleming 55
Thank you for all of that.It is certainly worthwhile as I absolutely love reading your blogs-but you know that.I like knowing where you are and what yoy are doing.It’s a fantastic site-thank you.x x x
Hi Hil. Yesterday, with an easterly wind we were being rocked and rolled about in the marina as the swell came in. This morning ‘the still small voice of calm’ gave no movement at all as the night sky gave way to the beauty of dawn’s red sun lighting the underneath of the clouds. Simply magnificent, and quickly erases any memories of rock and roll discomfort.
The great decision now is what shall we create for dinner! Pea soup, followed by tarragon chicken. The former will hit the site soon, the latter needs further refinement. Such fun trying and testing.
It has been a pleasure. Now’s time to settle in for the winter and prepare your home. We are making preparation here, half a world apart form you. We are shrink wrapping the windows, changing out the summer cloths for the winter clothes from storage and bringing out the small electric heater that we use to keep the chill off when not using the main electric or diesel hydraunic systems.
Best part is you can now plan next years adventure, expand on your writings and generally enjoy the pleasure of snuggling with the lifes mate through the cold of winter.
Hi Patrick,
How about that? Like you, we’ve started thinking about what we can off-load from the boat. So we went to the self-store yesterday and collected the de-humidifier, a large stock pot (!), some back paper-work that needs attention, and offloaded the dive gear etc.
We have a list of snags to attend to, we want to clean the interior thoroughly and start on the pre-winter servicing. The great thing about all this is that we can now do it in our time – and if it takes until next spring, so be it!
Have a safe winter and a great Christmas.
Best – Piers and Lin
Love the blog and the way you document your journeys. Subscribed recently and it works a treat. Much thanks for your willingness to share. Cheers, Craig
Hi Craig. So pleased you like the blog and the way we write it. As you see, we’ve only been doing it for 6 months and we keep thinking if there’s anything else we should be writing about. Have you any ideas to put in the melting pot of possibilities?
Piers and Lin